Candid Student Reports The following (emails) were written by members of the Scientific Programming class during the fifth session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words. Today we learned how to correct a drawing program so the picture wouldn't go off the screen. And we learned how to change the colors. Jalena Today we learned about arrays, and then edited an applet that draws polygons. I didn't know enough about how the applet used classes to understand at first, but our applet almost works now. Ben Great class today, I actually learned a lot today. I liked this excercise better than the others. Josh Today we learned about arrays in java. An array holds multiple elements of the same type. They are accessed by index. Then we moved on to classes. Our big project for the day was to modifiy a program to get it to correctly draw a regular polygon with side length and number of sides as specified by the user. Unfortunately we were unable to finish today. Daniel I continue to have a great time and learn a lot in class. I'm very pleased with this course. Robbie Today we explored arrays and what a class is, we also worked with Applets. Our activities are creating a working applet that draws the shape. It was challenging but we enjoyed it. Shodor is a great program that enriches our computational knowledge. Please keep on sponsoring this organization, it makes a difference in our lives. Sophia and Fei Today we had a great time in class. We learned new stuff on Java and how to convert integers into doubles. The activity with the square was fun b/c we finished second, and we got to make cool shapes. We look forward to next week. Le'Roy and Sam Today we entered the realm of the array, fun stuff. We first had a project in editing our polygon program and then we edited another applet to make it work properly. Albert
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