HTML tutorial

My Portfolio

Cats And Dogs

This website models an animal shelter. Using Vensim, Agent Cubes, and Excel to model, this project provides specific and accurate information about what to expect in an animal shelter. (Note: This was a group project with Abia Ahmed and Anagha Jandhyala.)

Office Ethics Essay

In a made up scenario with a difficult job, but even more difficult colleagues, I wrote an essay explaining what I would do in this situation.

Rabbit Model

This is a Vensim Model that represents the population of rabbits. Factors like birth fraction and aging fractions are included in this Vensim model.

AgentCube Sickness Model

In this model, I represented a spread of disease. The green square represents the sick person, and when they are next to a healthy person (blue square) they spread the disease and the healthy person becomes ill.

Forest Fire Group Project 2

This is a group project with Sahithi and I. We modeled a forest fire, where the trees spawned at a random area in the grid.

Parallel Computings Notebook

During our parallel computing unit, we took notes and wrote down observations of what was going on and the things we did.

Code Commenting

To help us better understand Javascript, we commented out a Javascript file. In the comments, we explained what each line (part of the code) meant.

Block 1 Project

During our first block over the summer, we had a project where we created an agent and system model for a certain scenario.

Art Website

This is my website for art; it includes art that I did at Shodor and art that I did for fun.

PHP Project

We learned about a new programming language called PHP, which is similar to JavaScript, but the only difference is that PHP is a server side language. That means that it is run using the same server. JavaScript is a client side language, which means that it uses a local file. On this website includes links to all of the projects I did while using PHP.

Changing Text Colors

This is a simple Javascript program I coded for fun and to practice Javascript. Basically you click a button and the text color changes.

Search and Donate a Pet!

Due to security purposes, this model is only available for people at Shodor. In this model you can donate a pet to the animal shelter, and you can search for a pet.

CSS Library

I'm honestly not sure what this is.

Website HLD

We redesigned our websites so we created an HLD so we had a plan we could stick to.

Responsive Website

This is a website that is responsive, which means that the site will look good regardless of the size.

Plane Crash Stimulator

I was flying to Denmark when I got inspired to create a plane crash stimulator. In this model, you can click a button to see just how likely it is that your plane will crash.