Adoption Center Project


In this project, Abia, Anagha, and Caroline modeled an adoption center. We used accurate research and information when creating this project, and we made the model as accurate as possible - using agents such as humans, mean cats, and mean dogs, and also making sure that nearly every animal in the clinic was spayed/neutered. We used three different programs to represent our models. The three programs are Vensim, Agent Cubes, and Excel.



This model shows how cats and dogs go in and out of an adoption agency. Using Vensim, you can visually see your model with a decent graph. With Vensim the relationship between the variables and the factors is clearly showed.Vensim is an easier version to show more complicated models.

Agent Cubes

(See description on website)


Excel shows you the numbers in growth of the cats and dogs. Excel is good because you get the information needed, and a very precise graph, which you cant get from the other sources. A drawback of Excel is that their is really no visual representation like agent cubes online.

HLD Document