HTML tutorial

My Blog

October 10 2015

Today was the first day of the apprenticeship program. I was very nervous at first, because I did not know anybody there, and I was not too experienced with computers. However, when we had our break and played cards, I made a couple of friends. Later, we learned how to add a public_html folder on Terminal. That really excited me, because I always wanted to know how to code with Terminal. When Dr. Panoff and Mr. Ernest said that we would eventually create our own website, I became even more excited.

October 16 2015

Today was a lot more involved and fun than last Saturday. First, we solved a problem about a King who thought their coin makers were cheating, which was interesting and intriguing. Then, Dr. Panoff taught us that in STEM, it is extremely important to cite our work and make sure it is credible. After the lecture, we then started working on our websites. I learned what CSS was, which I hadn't known previously.

October 23 2015

Today I worked on my website. I put cupcakes in my website, and created a blog section and I worked on my bio. I had trouble putting cupcakes in my website, but Joel helped me. I learned more about CSS and how to use different fonts and font styles. I also learned how to use the colors as well. I learned more about creating links in the navigation section of my website.

November 7 2015

Today, we worked on our websites and we learned about Shodor being involved with Google Fiber. I am most excited about the Google Fiber program. I am most proud of creating my Cat and Dog Excel sheet. I am hoping to learn more about the Google Fiber program. Dr. Panoff helped me the most, by fixing my glitch in Excel. I helped Anahga the most by telling her the requirements of the Website.

November 14 2015

Today I learned about a new modeling program called Vensim. It was confusing at first because I didn't know what a lot of the arrows and box variables meant, but soon I was able to create a good rabbit model. I used variables to make my rabbit model more accurate, such as birth rate, and rabbits growing. I began to work on a sickness Vensim model during the end of the class.

November 21, 2015

Today, I learned about creating Agent Cube models and I am most excited about doing my Agent Cube models. I created an Agent Cube model about sickness and i am most proud of that. I have heard about a major project and I am hoping to learn more about that. Dr Panoff helped me the most because my model was not working and he helped me understand how it worked. I helped Albert with his model because it was not working.

December 5, 2015

today I continued to work on my group project. I helped Abia with her Agentcube model, and I helped Anagha with her Vensim model. I was working on my excel, but it was pretty confusing to try to program. So I got help from my teachers, and I eventually started a good model that showed growth, death, adoption, and return. I began to work on our website.

December 12, 2015

Today I worked on my group project. I was behind on my excel document, so I hurried up and asked for help. Unfortunately, the excel model wasn't working, so I asked for help. I finished my website for the group project and was very proud of it. The only problem was that the picture I was trying to insert would not work. So far, there will be no picture for the website unfortunately.

December 15 2015

Today I came to Shodor during the week, so Abia and I could tell Anagha what we changed in our project. I created the website for our project, but I'm having a problem. For the background image, I want it to be a picture of cats and dogs, but for some reason it shows up as pictures of cupcakes. I'm probably going to move the Html and Css for the project website into another folder, because I think it's just confused with all the images inside the public_html folder. I worked on my Excel as well, and Aaron helped me with the commands, and variables. I'm almost finished with the dog variables, but I need to find out how to make the number of dogs be about 25 each month, and make the number of cats 21 each month.

December 19, 2015

Today we presented our projects. I was very proud of our project because I finally got my excel document to work, and everyone else's models were working. I really liked all of the other models my peers made. They made models about biology, gas, and marine life. It was very nervous presenting my model, but I am very proud of it.

January 18, 2016

Today was Martin Luther King Jr day and we had the option to come in to Shodor and help clean the building. Akash and I cleaned all of the whiteboards in the building. Then, we put in information for an Excel document that displayed the cost of superbowl tickets for every year. After that we ate lunch. Then, we finished all of the work we needed to, and I emailed my Excel document to Abia and Anagha. After that we used a magic eraser and cleaned the walls.

February 6, 2016

Today, we worked on Javascript. I learned that JavaScript is very different from Java, and even more different than HTML. We downloaded some of Aaron's files, and changed the color and shape for his disease model and his bouncing ball model. We learned what the Error Console was, and we learned the importance of it. I learned how to create variables from the Error Console on Safari. From that, I learned that || was equivalent to "or" or "one of the equations are correct" and && meant "Both are correct". Using Anja's "Hello World" file as a guide, I created a calculator that converted inches into centimeters.

February 13, 2016

Today, we continued to work on our JavaScript. We learned what the while command meant, and we learned the importance of making sure the while command understood exactly what we wanted it to do. We also learned the for command. I created a program that chose random numbers. I also made a program that displayed a triangle shape out of asterisks (*). Then, we learned what an array was, and we practiced using arrays in the error console. We also learned that -- meant minus one, and ++ meant plus one.

February 20, 2016

Today, we worked on some more JavaScript. We learned the many different data types. They are numbers, strings, functions, undefined, and objects. We learned that just because a variable is undefined doesn't mean that it is not essential to the program. We also learned that an array is an object, and we continued to work on arrays. I created several functions today. First, I created one that could add numbers, and then I later created ones that could multiply, divide, and subtract. I wanted to make a function that could calculate exponents, but I later discovered that there was already a function for it, "Math.pow". We learned how to open and view objects, and how to insert characteristics inside of objects. We practiced this by making a "person" and a "fruit basket". We also used Aaron's bouncing particle model to create new objects, loops, and learn more about variables.

March 5, 2016

Today, we started our Javascript project. For this project, my parter Sahithi and I are going to create a forest fire model, with a twist. For our model, the trees are supposed to spawn randomly, unlike the original Shodor model where they are all neatly placed on a grid. I am still pretty confused with Javascript, but Sahithi knows a lot about it, and she helped me learn what GetElementById meant. Also, the staff at Shodor helped me create a Marker for when I want to start a fire for the model. I helped write the story plot for the fire, and I worked on creating variables.

March 12, 2016

Today we worked on our group project for the Forest Fire. My partner was unfortunately not here so I worked by myself. I finished my HLD document, and then I worked on my JS. I learned that you need a HTML document with the JS. I finished making a box and a heading for my forest fire but I am pretty confused with creating the trees and the fire.

March 19, 2016

Today I worked on finishing my forest fire project. Sahithi and I finally got our HLD approved, and so we worked on the actual programming. Today, I also learned that you could use Javascript on a website which I thought was really cool. There are so many different creative possibilities that could go on my website that I previously could not do with just CSS or HTML. I am still an ammeter though so I'm not sure how to actually code part of the website on Javascript. Aaron helped me the most by approving my HLD so I was really grateful for that. I helped our group, because the page wasn't loading and we weren't sure why, but then I pointed out that we needed to change the link because we created a new name for it.

April 2, 2016

Today, I worked on our Forest Fire project some more. I am very happy to see our project coming along nicely. Ernest taught us how to use loops which is really useful because it saves us a lot of time. I helped Sahithi by helping her with Javascript. We presented our project and I am proud of our model. I was impressed with all the different things groups had on their model. Javascript confused me a lot at first, but I think I am now getting the hang of it.

April 9, 2016

Today we ended our unit of Javascript, and we learned about a new thing. The new thing is called super computers. It was a very interesting subject, so I spoke up a lot more than I usually do, which I'm proud of. I talked to Anja, and she told me about the different things that apprentices did for the summer. Helping out the workshop students seems really interesting especially since I told a lot of my friends to sign up for Shodor WorkShops. :)

April 16, 2016

This week, i learned about nodes and motherboards and i am very excited about doing that. Supercomputing seems extremely interesting. The concept is new to me, so I'm not 100% how to use one, or even what all the uses for supercomputing are. But Sahithi and Anagha helped me catch up and we looked at Galaxy models on a supercomputer. We also watched videos about the different ways of supercomputing. Something that stood out to me in the video was that we could use super computing to model diseases. I find this interesting because we probably have a much better chance of finding cures for diseases, now that we have a computer to do it, with virtually endless possibilities.

June 20, 2016

Today was the first day of the summer program at Shodor. It was nice to see everyone at Shodor again, and I met some interns. We worked on our HLD document for our project. In this project, I am supposed to write instructions for my model. I have to write one for a system model and one for an Agents model. Today was a lot more laid back than during the fall and spring so I enjoyed it a lot more. However it was pretty exhausting at the end of the day. I will come in early tomorrow because I'm working as the receptionist.

June 21, 2016

Today, I started my first ODAA (Other duties as assigned). It was my job to work as the receptionist for the entrance. It was pretty easy greeting people and leading them to the right person/place, but I had a very difficult time using the phone. Transferring phone calls does not come naturally to me, to say the least. However, I learned from my mistakes, and each time I messed up, I learned something new. I now know how to transfer the phone call, and I hope that I will be prepared for the next time I need to transfer a phone call.

June 22, 2016

Today was a very fun day at Shodor. I got my HLD approved by Ernie, and I got my partner, Adithi. We are both doing an ant project. I helped Sahithi on her website. I made her picture circle-shaped. Also, I changed the color of the menu tabs. I also helped her with her HLD. Hamza helped me learn how to make a picture circle-shaped. Later, we also made websites.

June 23, 2016

Today was a fun day. I worked on my JavaScript but it was very difficult. I forgot a lot about Javascript, such as what is an object or array? All I remember is functions and variables. Then I later tried to do my system model but I am still a bit confused about that because the story for the HLD works best for Agent Models. I create our website for our group project.

June 24, 2016

Today I was at the dentist in the morning so I came in late. After that, I worked on my project. I didn't know how to use the animate function but I got help form the interns. Javascript was actually much more difficult than I remember it being. Then I had to leave early and go to the ear doctor.

June 27, 2016

Today, I learned how to change the text of a button. When I did that, I was able to have a function that sped up the model. After that, I messed up my entire model, which was unbelivably fustrating. Luckily, Joel helped me fix the glitch. From now on, I'm going to create many backups for my model because it is too upsetting when I break it. Later on, Keith taught me what an array was, and he helped me create an array for my pheromone trail.

June 28, 2016

Today, I worked on my Javascript. It is incredibly confusing and frustrating, because the way the animate function is written makes it really hard to add anything else into the model. So, I eventually paused my progress on my Javascript model, and worked on my website HLD, and my Vensim model. For my Vensim model, I made sure I wrote everything down on paper. This was very helpful and made everything much more organized. I wish I had done the same for my Javascript model, and I will do that in the future. For my website HLD, I think it's a really good idea to plan out a website, because then you learn about what you really want, and you have a guide to help you. To conclude, today was frustrating because Javascript is not something I'm very good at, but it also was good because I'm finally starting my website and my Vensim which are two things that I really enjoy.

June 29, 2016

Today I worked on my Inkscape and GIMP project. Surprisingly, it took much longer than I had expected it to take. I made my logo a ladybug that was formed from the letter C. The ladybug is one of my favorite animals (insects?), and the C is because my name starts with a C. I finished my project and now I will start on my Vensim and continue working on it.

June 30, 2016

Today it was very hard to concentrate on my work because tomorrow, I have to get surgery. It's the first time I've ever had surgery so I'm very scared. It's very hard to get something out of your head when you dread it, but eventually I felt much better about it, and I could concentrate finally. I worked on my agent model, this time I used agent cubes instead of Javascript. I am very glad that I switched to Agent cubes because it took me 1 hour and I already did much more than I could have even dreamed of accomplishing on Javascript. Agent Cubes comes naturally to me; I understand it, where in Javascript I could not understand it even after several people tried to explain it. That doesn't mean that I'm giving up on Javascript at all, I will learn it. I just learned that if you aren't good at something but you're good at something else, do the thing you're good at because you'll get better results. I also learned that even if you're scared of something, it's best to not worry about it, because then the situation will just get worse and you won't be able to concentrate on the present, only the future. I'm very scared but I won't let it get in the way of my career.

July 11, 2016

Today it was nice being back at Shodor again after a long break. We learned about a new programming language called PHP, which is similar to JavaScript, but the only difference is that PHP is a server side language. That means that it is run using the same server. JavaScript is a client side language, which means that it uses a local file. For some reason I have a lot of trouble with JavaScript but I understand PHP. This week I'm going to set my expectations much higher than I did on the first block. I will ask much more questions because even though it may make me look less smart when I ask the question, it will make me smarter and more knowledgable in the long run.

July 12, 2016

Today was very fun. When we arrived at Shodor we worked on our PHP projects which, while they are difficult, they are still possible and I enjoy doing them. Afterwards, I was able to document the Explorations Engineering class. I hope that I get to do more documentation, because that was fun. I got to watch the workshop students build their structures, and watch the competition, which was funny. In addition, I got to learn some new things about engineering. I had to write about the documentation but I really like writing.

July 13, 2016

Today I was the receptionist again during the morning. It was a lot less boring today because there were tons of workshop students and parents. I got a phone call and finally I answered it correctly! After that Travis and Keith taught us how to do Mysqil, which is like a database similar to Excel. I finally completed my Dice Roller project and it looks so cool and pretty! After that, we learned about a new project.

July 14, 2016

Today, I was going to to documentation in the Web Design class, but then Anja did it for me. So, I worked on my PHP. Anagha and Abia are both very good at PHP and so is Akash and Nick. All four of them helped me with my projects and I was very grateful for their help because I was seriously confused about it. Luckily, I now understand PHP much better and for my Dynamics page not only did I include words but I put pictures in it as well. Afterwards, Abia had a dentist appointment, so I had to be a receptionist again. I don't mind being the receptionist as much as I did on the first day. Although I don't know a lot of information about Shodor, the interns help me and make it easier. I hope that I will understand how to PHP better, and also understand how to do XML. XML seems really difficult.

July 15, 2016

Today I worked on Mysql. It is very confusing but Travis is helping me understand it better. Keith began telling us about SVN but then he realized we had no accounts. After that I was jury for some workshop and it was funny.

July 18, 2016

Today we worked on engineering. What we did was we got organized into groups and then we built a slope. Then after that we started Mysql. We learned how to create an index php file.

July 19, 2016

Today I was the receptionist again. Unfortunately, there weren't as many phone calls as there were last time, but I still enjoyed it. I practiced MySql and I figured out how to add queries as well as delete tables. I also refreshed my knowledge of Javascript and made a program where someone could click a button and then the color of the text would change. I started making a button where the text would change to a random color but as I worked on it time ran out. After that, Ernie introduced us to our new project. In this project, we are creating an interactive database. I am making my Database an adoption center, similar to the one I made during the fall. I am looking very forward to it and MySql is getting easier and easier the more I practice.

July 20, 2016

Today was very rigorous. First, I worked on my table, and then later we worked on engineering. There was a contest where people tried to have the smallest compression/tension number. While I didn't win anything, I still had a lot of fun. After that, I made a card for Aaron that everyone signed, which I liked because drawing is very calming. Later, Keith taught us SVN.

July 21, 2016

Today was a very fun day. First we had a competition where we had to build the biggest structure using pipe cleaners and straws. Unfortunately our team lost the competition but it was still a very fun competition. After that we worked on our Mysql project and Nick helped me greatly. He helped me create my form button.

July 22, 2016

Today was a fun day. We had a boat competition and everyone thought our boat was bad but it held 400 marbles :P. Then I was a documenter and we leanred about webites.

July 25, 2016

Today was the first day of the 3rd block. When I arrived at Shodor we learned about the Google project. We found 2 applications and we had to come up with a lesson plan that would teach the students about an application. I chose the regression model and the connect four model. Later on Aneesh was absent so I subbed in for documentation and we learned about parallel computing.

July 26, 2016

Today was pretty fun. We continued to work on our Google project and I finished my lesson plan and I am ready to teach. I worked on some more projects. I did a Vensim tutorial so I could understand how to use Vensim better. I also worked on my PHP. I created a new website using PageRender.

July 27, 2016

Today was a fun day at Shodor. I finished my SQL project. I also did my website. It was fun.

July 28, 2016

Today was a fun day at Shodor. I worked on my website. I think I will have it be a Lily theme. I practiced teaching the children.

July 29, 2016

Today was a pretty good day at Shodor. I presented my application to the class. I feel like I could have done much better, since I spent a lot of time and effort practicing for today. I think next time, I will try harder to stick to my script, be more entertaining, and ask more questions.

August 1, 2016

Today I got back from the weekend. It is the final week of Shodor. I organized my public_html into folders because I couldn't find anything in it. So, I had to change all of my directories to my website which took a while. After that I worked on my CSS Library. I finished that pretty early.

August 2, 2016

Today I worked on a new project. I'm making a fun game. It's gonna be based off episode the app. I finsihed everything else, so I was working on that.

August 3, 2016

Today I started working on my game again. I finished some of my old projects, and then I ate lunch. After that, we learned how to write a resume. I found this very helpful because I would like to apply for a job, but I didn't know how to write a resume. Today, I have my own resume completed!

August 4, 2016

Today was a pretty relaxed day. I needed to finish my Vensim model, but I didn't really know how to do it. Luckily, Anagha taught me how. For the rest of the day, I designed my new site.

August 5, 2016

Today is the last day of the apprenticeship program. I really enjoyed spending my summer here, and I feel like I've learned a lot. I am going to miss my friends, but hopefully we will see each other again if we become interns.