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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World class during the second session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we used the SimSurface to find what 
electrons would do whe thet are put together
 in a space and contained.  The document 
attached has pictures of what the magnetic 
fields looked like when they were put together.  
We also did calculations to find the charge of 

Andrew And Aaron.

See Images

robert and I (brenton) worked with bob1 on 
simsurface.  Then we worked on molecular 
and electron models.  It was pretty interesting.

brenton and roberto

Me and my partners learned about A brain 
cemcails. It was cool.I even got
to To mess with enengry.

Shawn,Matt & Kristen

Today in the begining of class we worked with 
bob1 on the application SimSurface.  We took 
electrons and placed them on a blue backround.  
them we aranged them in a specail order so 
that the lowest amount of energy is used.  Then 
after break we worked with bob2 on Macsurface 
with moulacuses of water.  we measured the angles 
of the moulicules then we used a graph to
desided with angle used the least amount of energy.


Today we studied about electrons as in the 
attached file.  We also studied about how much energy 
water has when it's bonds are at different angles.
We used Mcspartan to make the different water 
molecules and get the energy
data and then made a graph on excel.
	From Danny, Antek and Tim

See Images

	Today we learned about water molicules in science. 
We had fun doing this chemistry. We also learned about 
electrons and there energy and how
wimpy nature is.
From: Blaine and Bruce

See Images

	Today we talked about H2O And how it is made.  
We used MacSpartan to create molecules and found 
out how much energy they had.  So now these
are some of our pictures

Maddie and Loeon

See Images

Last Update: June 23, 1998
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