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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World class during the second session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we learn some more about the envirment. We studied the amount
of runoff for varios land types.  We found out the the paved road with curb
obsorbs the least.
From Danny and Bruce

I had a lot of fun today.  The simulation was very interesting.  All of the
variables  made it complete.  This was a very good exam of population

today we made models of our city and we learned about runoff.  we talked
abourt what surfaces absorbed rain.
Brinton and Kristin

Today we studied the water cycle and water runoff.  We also made a
model of the water cycle.
Tim and Blaine

Today we made a chart on people , what percentage of people die. We also
made a chart to see what the water would do in different situations. We
also did an experiment to see which of these soil, asphalt, and sidewalk
would absorb water faster.
Antek and Brenton

We had fun learning about water runoff.
Aaron and Robert

Last Update: June 25, 1998
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