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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World class during the second session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

today we made our own Stella models.  we used the information to make a
bungee jumpin model and a lynx and hare model.  these showed us how these
models can fit into real life.

                                                        Brinton and Brenton

today it was really fun. we had a blast dropping the bungee jumper on the ground.
Andrew and Kristin

Today in class we did models of bungee jumping on Stella 5.0. Our
bungee jumper was killed a lot. We changed the height of the platform and
the strength of the rope.
Blaine & Leon

Today we worked on stella.We were given the names of the icons and the
facts about lynx and hares and were told to make the model.  We were the
last ones done and needed two major hint times from Bob 2.  Every so often
an intern or teacher would come along and blow up over half of what we had
done.  After that we had a diagram of a model with all the icons and facts
on it and were told to change certain ones of them to get a better bungee
Tim and Robert

Today we worked on stella models. it was lots of fun.  we modelled jumping
off briges.  we also modelled lynx and hares.

Today we made our own models for different happenings. We had lots
of fun!

Last Update: June 26, 1998
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