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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your world, Session B during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today it was pretty hands-on and 
I was very satisfied with that.  I
thought it seemed long though, but 
it was probably just me.  I think 
that with the curing a diabetic 
thing, someone could have explained 
it a little more, but I got that 
hang of it.  Today was a great day.  


The only thing I liked about today 
was when we went outside to
experiment rope tricks.


Today we learned about diabetes and 
how epidemiology works. We found it 
not as interesting as we thought it 
would be.  We enjoyed the outside 

-Jamie and Giang

Today I learned about how populations 
grow. And looked at models that
showed us how vireses spread. Earlier 
today we saw some cures for diabetes. 
We also saw how if you do something 
different then it is supposed to be 
it might change the behavior of it.


Today we learned how to model a flu 
epedemic in a boarding school using 
Stella. We figued out how to prevent 
the flu from spreading by using a 
vaccine. Stella was really fun and 
easy to use.

-Dominique and Ken

Today we learned about how to vacinate 
people who have diabetes. We
worked on a women  who is diabetic and 
is trying to get pregnant. We tried
different amounts of dosages at different 
times and worked with her diet. Then
we learned about epidemics(flu) and built 
a model of a school who has a spreading 
diesease. I had a lot of fun.


Today we learned about epidemiology, 
how to work the program called
Stella and how to control a diebetic's 
insulin intake.  We really enjoyed all
of the activities which we particiated 
in.  Finally we got to work to find out
how hard it is to plan the schedule for 
when a diebetic should take insulin.

-April and Sophie

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