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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World, Session B, Summer 2000 during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we learned about environmental 
science.  We learned about pollution, 
forest fires and the Neuse River.  
I had a fun time playing the game
called "seed,bush,tree." We learned 
about how forest fires are started 
and how they do not always go the 
way you plan (probability).


I had lots of fun playing a rock, 
paper, scissors, game and making a
model on river polution. I am 
having a great time at Shodor!!!!!!!!!


Today we learned about environmental 
science and by making a STELLA
model and showing how pollution 
effects a river. We also expiremented with
forest fires in Netscape. It was fun using 
STELLA and seeing how the forest fires burned.

-Dominque and Ken

We learned about forest fires 
today and how the percent is not always
right.  The percent is just a prediction 
and could be completely wrong.  We
also played a game that showed how 
the forest some how worked.  We also learned
about the Neuse and how to show how good or 
bad the water was in water; whether
the animals could live in them or not.


Today we learned about enviromental issues 
including forest fires and polution in the
Neuse River. We also played a game outside 
called Seeds Bush Tree which was
very fun and helped us learn about why it's 
good to have controlled forest
fires. We also built a model of polution in 
the Neuse River on the STELLA
Computer program.

-Sophie and Jamie

We had a lot of fun today learning about 
how forest fires are spread and how 
serious they are. We went outside to play 
a game that is a lot like rock, paper, 
scissors. It was called seed, bush, tree.  
You start out as a seed and play the game 
with another seed. If you win you become a 
bush and then play with another bush and so 
on. We also enjoyed going out to see the a 
creek that emptied into the Neuse River.  
We took a sample of the water and figured 
out that there was 3 mg/ml.  We built a 
model of the Neuse River and figured out
the water is very polluted. Not to mention 
the room was not so stuffy as
before! Which is good!!!

-Joanna and Dawn

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