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The following (emails) were written by members of the Medicine and the Biosciences during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today I understood STELLA better and the way it works.  The 
model that was most exciting was the heart.  These programs are 
very educationa and fun.


Today was fun, and educational, because we learned how to do 
a model of the heart, it was fun to play around with a fictional 
heart.  Although one of our models didn't work it was a very good 


Today was my first day at Shodor's camp.  The beginning was a 
little boring, because I was lost most of the time.  But within the 
first hour I was catching on, and the enjoyment increased.  The 
afternoon was fun, but also frustrating, because we could not get the 
project to work.  


Day two of my workhop and dmy intreset is still captured.  The 
amazing program STELLA makes my mind wonder.  It really takes Medicine 
and Biosciences to a whole nother 2-D level.  Namy times today I put 
myself in the seat of many great scuientists and compared our many 
notes and theories.  Not only has it expanded my knowledge but taken 
way of my imagination as well.  Now so many things in my world have 
been made less complex.  


Today was a very succeful day, in that I learned alot, and I 
completed most of the tasks given to me.  I feel good about todsay 
because I am leaving with more confidence in my own skill, to be able 
to take a situation and/or problem and put mathematical equations on a 
computer.  i will really need confidence in the coming days to be 
able to go at my project full steam ahead.

Today we talked about pharmacokinetics. We learned about more diseases and how they spread.

This is great!  I'm doing so much with STELLA and case studies.  
I'm learning alot and the teachers are making it fun.  Lunch was good.  
I forgot to mention about the cool rope tricks yesterday.  Making models 
is fun and educational. I hope you have enjoyed my report.  Have a great 


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