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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Day four of my workshop.  Still fun and informative today I got 
to express my creativity and imaginative ideas by creating my 
project slides.


Today was great and I'm glad it's over. We finished our reports,
but even though we finished the computer work, I still don't feel
comfortable about talking to all those prominant people who might have an
influence on my future. But hopefully it will be done before it begins!


Today was an Ok day we worked all day on our reports and
mean Kirstin (for not telling me how to spell her name) bugged me all day
long about my grammar and that was very mean.


I worked on my project today.  I made a very elaborate model of the
Bubonic plague epidemic in the Middle Ages.  I had fun tweeking different
values and seeing the results.  According to my results rats, as a
spieces, is immortal.


This was the last day to finsh my project for me and I did
finsh my project. But, there are very small thingss we have to do tomorrow
morning, like praticing our presentation.


Today was lots of fun and helpful.  With the help of Renee, I
was able to complete my model.  With the help of Kirstin and Renee I feel
thoughly prepared.


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