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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Medicine and Biomedical Sciences during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

I liked a very thing we did today even though it 
was confusing I was able to work around it. The 
thing I like most today was the malaria model. 
The in the introduction was fascinating. The 
instructors are great and helpful. I also liked 
the model of diabetes to. The program
Stella was helpful.


I enjoyed today's workshop very much. Learning how 
to use STELLA and using it to model things in
epidemiology was a highlight of the day.  I liked 
the individual attention I got from being in a small 
group (I thought it was going to be huge).  The 
teachers were nice and helpful, not to mention
competent.  However, the experience could have been 
better if the AC worked (this is a joke).  I look 
forward to tomorrow's session.


I really did enjoy myself today. I learned a lot, 
had fun on the computers, and had fun meeting new 
people. The help was very helpful and efficient. 
All the interns were very kind and patient and knew 
what they were talking about so that they expressed 
their knowledge clearly.

I learned about Malaria today and how it spreads through 
mosquitoes. I also learned how to use the STELLA program 
to solve real life situations and problems. I put together 
graphs and models that I understood how to read.
Epidemiology was the focus for the day and I am leaving 
with confidence in the information that was shared today.


We started with trying to understand the basic elements 
of computational science. Then we started doing some 
models of Diabetes we tried to figure out what were the
correct doses of insulin to control a patient's blood 
sugar. And then we started working on some models of how 
populations are affect one an other by analasing data and 
trying to express them on graphs and tables.  


The first day of this workshop has been great.  Not only 
was it informative, but entertaining as well.  The program 
(Stella) that we are using really help you to understand 
Medicine& Biomedical Science mathematically.  The Shodor 
interns are great helper and make each task even  more 
exciting and less complex.  So far I have no


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