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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Medicine and Biosciences during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

I liked today! it was very fun finishing up our reports and then doing
a good job on them. i felt like i accomplished something worth while. this
whole week gave me a new respect for scientists. their job is a tough one in
which they dont't get a lot of recognition, which tells me that they do it out
of pure enjoyment and dedication. I acually developed a deeper desire to know
what i think i know. what i'm saying is i want to research things so that i'm
sure of things that i have an idea about. the class was interesting and fun at
times. thank you for the opportunity and experience to learn the things that
many people will never know. my parents and their friends and my friends as
well, are very impressed with the things i've learned. things like
Pharmacokinetics and Epidemiology are not every day common sense or knowledge.
I feel more confident even in myself. because of the week that i just completed
without giving up or slacking and the problems that i solved and tricks that i
learned and picked up on, i feel that i can really do more than i even thought
i could.
        It was a good week.


Day five.  My workshop overall fun, imagetive, and imformative.  I
would certainly take this workshop again.


We finished our projects today and presented them.  Had fun doing
special work with my epidemic model and making our power point presentation
cooler.  Talk to you later..


I hope this program continues and I could be incorperated in it.
I think I gave my presentation the best effort I could.  


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