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June 19, 2001

Today's class started off with an introduction to geometry, focusing on tessellations. Bethany had the class do a search for tessellations using Google® as their search engine. The students then learned from their search that a tessellation is a repeated layer of patternes that leaves no gaps. Then they went even futher in their research to find the artist who is known for using tessellations in his work. The artist they found was M.C. Escher. The students then each selected the piece of his artwork that they liked and printed them out. Some of the pieces were mind boggling. Now it was time to make their own tessellations using an activities page. On the page you start off with a simple shape like a square or a polygon and from there strecth it to an outragous shape. The rule is that the sides of the shape can not cross. Later another challenge was put forth. Because the total area of the polygon was 3600, the challenge was to make the perimeter of the shape more then 3600. Every one was up for that, even the interns. At last one group got it: Alex and Ebonee. Later on students regrouped into the groups they were in the day before and worked on their projects.

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