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June 21, 2001

Today, Bethany had the students present the projects they had been working on for the past week. The first project presented by Jenna and Jason was about factors. The next presentation was about probabiltity. Alex and Alex discussed how a tree in the forest burns down and what happens when you have a fifty-fifty chance of something burning down; the tree only has two options- to burn down or not. The students also learned about coloring factors. This was followed by the dice racing, a game explained by Karyee and Ethan. The last two projects presented were about the same activity called rabbits and wolves. In this activity, the students had to play with different variables to balance out the rabbit and wolf populations. Finally, Bethany taught the class about fractals; fractals are objects built using recursion, where some aspect of the limiting object is infinite and another is finite and where at any iteration, some piece of the object is a scaled down version of the previous iteration.

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