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June 22, 2001

Today there were some administrative things to take care of before class started. The students were asked to fill out a survey to give the staff here at Shodor some positive critism about the workshops. They were then asked to fill out a form giving their mailing address to us so we will be able to send them their workshop t-shirts, and possibly some information about future workshops and classes. Other things to be taken care of are: the class picture, and the certificates of class completion.

The lesson for today was about constants. First, students did work with a two variable function, which is a shape that is made depending upon the starting point and constant of an equation. The students caught on to the activity fairly quickly and did very well with the activity.

The students went into Microsoft Excel® to show the relationship between multiple equations. The name of the activity was escapee/prisoner which is modeled by increasing numbers representing escapees and decreasing or constant numbers representing prisoners. The students were then allowed to come up with their own formulas to create their own results.

The next assignment was Julia sets with constants, this makes an image of two different numerical values. Lastly, the students worked with the Mandlebrot Set. This set is a image is related to Julia set; it shows the patterns of the constants.

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