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June 18, 2001

Bob1 started class by introducing himself and others in the senior staff. He also explained the goal of the Math Explorations course. He told the students that in the course they would be researching and learning about pattern recognition. He explained that patterns can be within the relationship of two numbers in the pattern as well as in the acutal script of the letters. Later he began to go into symbol manipulation. As the students began to understand he began to combine pattern recognition and symbol manipulation. The students then got an understanding of what SUCCEED stands for. Then all the students introduced themselves and told a little about themselves. With Bob1's help the students looked for patterns that occured throughout the room with the people's names, hobbies, and dislikes.

The class then prceeded down the the computer lab where they were introduced to Bethany who would be teaching the class for today. She asked the class three questons: 1. What is math? 2. What are numbers? and 3. Why do we use computers for math? Many of the answers were well thought out and there was full participation from the class. The students really seemed to be tuned into what was happening up front. From there Betheny led the class to a Shodor website filled with a varity of activities for the students to do. The assignment was for each student to pick one of the activities on the site, learn how to use it, and present it to the class on Friday.
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