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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Connections during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


today was a great day and i learned some new things in math. so far no probelm with me


today we made profet with our businesses in our groups it was tricky but we got it i hope 2-morrow it is much easier


Today, we had a virtual business and we made graphs and stuff ti figure out the maximum profit. It was a bit hard but our group finally got it. We had a lot of help. I hope tomorrow will be easier.


we worked on a real life buisness on what to sale and how much you get. after a half an hour of the teacher telling us how to do it. we did it on our own


Today was fun especially after snack when we made our own buisness and used inequalities to see how we could profit monety the most. It was pretty tough but now i get it a lot better then i did before so i had a fun itme.


I learned again how to do qauitions and algebra. It was kind of easy.


today i thought the day was going to be boring because in the beginning it was all literature but after lunch it was a lot more fun we had became a sucessfull business we mite be bigger then nike in a couple of years


the beginning was fairly boring because it was a really long lecture but i guess it was necissary and making the buisness was challenging


Today we were paired in groups and our assignment was to make a product, using linear equations. Our group made well sold viedo games, and made a good porfit, but one viedo game sold more than one, but it was about the same number rage, and made a good slope intersection.


Today, we worked on a project that had a theme of making the most profit possible out of the certain amount of time. This project was fun and definitly forced you to think intensivly on the project at hand.


i really enjoyed today, but there is an easier way to graph things than the teacher demonstrated. aside from that the only thing i didn't enjoy was the part about figuring out the optimum production values. other than that today was good.


Today in Math Connections, we worked on using linear inequalites to make business plans. In pairs, we determined several products, departments, and limits about how many hours can be worked. We then graphed these to see how we could make the most profit.
My partner and I did a plan based on being real estate agents (avbuyer's agent and a seller's agent.) We found out that, based on the profit estimates we had put in, it would be a little better to be a buyer's agent.
It was an entertaining way to learn the material. I know that I would not have grasped it as well without the real-world application.


Today we learned how to graph different numbers. We also learned about profits. Also how we learned how to add profits and how business get more money.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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