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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Connections during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


today we were paried in groups, and discused patterns and later on created our own amonmgest our paried groups. We also learn how to figure out to know the the shape, number, or figure will be that number would be.


Today we learned about different patterns. Also the different ways the patterns change.


i had no regrets about today, and i really liked it. my favorite activity was the one about the patterns, but the computer kept not working a lot, but the transformation section was good also.


Today was a good day and I learned alot of stuff. Also we learned about patterns and how they change and Ican't wait to come back.


OUr lesson today on shapes was really fun it was fun working and seeing patterns in shapes. The funnest part was when me and sean made a cool pattern which was really long and confusing. Then i also had fun playing around withj reflection rotation dialation etc. and we made a cool bandaged eyed clown with it.


today we look at patterens then we made our own patterens.then we talked about transformation and made different shapes.


today we played wit blocks and made patterns


Today, was better than yesterdeay, it was more interesting and not as hard. i hope tommorrow will be better though.


Today was highly enjoyable. We created our own patterns using a computer application. It took much longer than I thought it would since we had to be very precise and not do values too high or the computer would not reconize it.


Today was cool, we talked about patterns and sequencing. We even got to make our own pattern! We also got to go to a website that had to do with the subject


Today at Shodor, we had a great time. First, we talked about sequences. Then actually started to make our own. This was very fun. You can see my pattern on the Shodor website! At the end of the session, we used shapes from the virtual manipulative ".edu". The best and scariest part I liked was the tiger, whoa scratch (litterally) LIGER who was about nine feet standing.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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