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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Connections during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was really fun when we did a lot of hands on activities. I like using the globes/spheres a lot and seeing how when trying to draw things like paralel lines on a phere it wont work and how when you draw a triangle on the sphere the angle sizes can reach over 180 degreed added together.


this was the funniest day of all we worked with globes and we worked groups we made triangle with markers
i want to come 2 this camp with only computer tech and how to program stuff


Today wwe learned about differnt types of math and scinecne and geommettry. ANd difefrrnt stuff.


Today we learned about geometry and how the figure on different types of plains. If it was on a flat plain then it would be equal but if it was on a sphere plain then it would have a different merasurement. Also Ellie, Bethany, Bobby, Ruth, and Matt we good teachers.


today we talked about geometry and their was a new teacher she made it actually sound interesting. we talked about how a shape would look different if it was on a flat surface then on around suirface.


i don't have much thoughts on today because i have/had a tremendous headache, but i really enjoyed it.


Today was problably the best day of all the days I've been to this camp. It was more interesting and we worked with spheres, and learned about non-Euclidean geometry. Today was a lot more fun then most days.


today ileared somehtrin newq and i'm glad, because i now know geometery and i it can help me in my future. To know this i will use it with my knowledge and become even smarter


Today ellie taught the class room, and we learned about how triangles won't equal the same on different surfaces. In order to prove that we used 3-demensional sphere that we could draw on.


Working with Euclidian (and non-Euclidian) geometry was fun. We learned about the five postulates and then we tested them on a clear plastic sphere using erasable markers. The only one that did not work was the parallel line postulate.


Today at Shodor, though it was the last day, I had a great time. First we talked about the sphere using a clear "globe" as one of our tools. Then we were told to make line segments, lines, triangles, etc. At the end of it all we recieved awards. Over every single thing I reaaly enjoyed this program and would recommend it to my friends any day!

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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