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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

One of our subjects that we learned today were Search Engines. Search Engines are programs to assist you finding a Web site if you don't know the address. Search Engines such as Yahoo, Altavista, and other search engines can be used in two ways. One is where you type in word(s) to help find your address, but it also gives you other addresses. The other kind where you can click on a certain subject and open it from there. Today me and my partner now know more than we did when we came in here this morning.

Jonathan & James

Today we learned about how to find if something is true. You can find if something is true by its reputation, if it looks professional, how long it stays up and where its from. ;-)

Nicole & Jordan

Day 2- Started out wiht a quick reveiw of Day 1; Moved quickly on to learning what makes a credible web-site. After heated discussion we moved on to learning how to use a search engine; many helpful hints were presented, such as: quotes, pluses and minus's. then we got onto the web and learned how to Bookmark sites we visit. We organized them into a folder, and then got to search for something we were interested in.

Adam & Bruce

Today we learned how to create a bookmark and then organize it. We made our own file called The Homeboy files. We made a bookmark about f22's.we also made four other book marks to other pages.

Marc & Justin

Hi! We had alot of fun today. It is really exciting when we do fun activtys, like to day we explored the internet a whole lot and had a lot of fun at the same time it was a blast. Thank you for providing us with neat internet access! We had alot of fun today.

Your friends,

Wade & Christine.

The way you can tell if a website is credible or not is determined by a group of factors:

  • eyewitness accounts
  • reputation of source
  • explained info
  • given evidence
  • cross reference

Buel &Taylor

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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