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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

hi! Today we learned a lot of fun things. For instance, we learned that we have to go through a bunch of steps in order to come to a comclusion. You can never jump to conclusions because your conclusion may be wrong. With an egg experiment, we jumped to the conclusion that the eggs were either hard boiled or raw. We didn't think that they might be filled with another substance. We had a lot of fun experimenting with new technology such as the chat room and the video camera. Another thing that we learned is that the experimental camera took up a lot of bandwidth which is used to broadcast things over the internet. It was really fun to experience the things that we did today. It was a fun and interesting experience. Thank you.

Christine & Nicole

Howdy Joe,
Today we learned how to communicate to other people in many differint ways over the web. One way was on a program called "Talk." We could see and write to one another. Another one was "World Chat". Everyone could write to the whole class at the same time. A third way was through CU-SeeMe where we could see and write to each other.

James & Andrew

Today we learned about modeling. Computer modeling can help people run experiments faster and easily on a computer. It can also perform experiments that prevent people from being hurt.

Buel & Taylor

Day 3
Today we got to try out TALK, GLOBAL CHAT, and C U-SEE ME. since this was our first time we mostly just said wierd things. With C U-SEE ME, however, the reflector kept crashing. So we had to stop.

Jonathan & Wade

Day 3-Started out Day 3 with a reveiw of Day 2. Moved on to learning how to use Talk, a personal chat-room type thing. Quick cames were set up , and we tried to use CU seeme a video conferance system; it didn't work. after that dismal attempt, Bob1 gave a speech about Computational Science, and took us outside for a demonstration of jumping to conclusions. We were given eggs, and asked wether they had ligued or solid in them.

adam & bruce

Today one of our lessons were Video Conferencing. We went into Global Net Chat, and then launched 3 video cameras from the receptors.

Jonathan & Marc

Today we talked to each other on the computer in a talk room. We then talked to each other an also saw each other using CU C me.

Jordan & Justin

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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