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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

BAD Web was so cool,we got about 7 to fly. About 10 were unable to fly. One price was under $400. Some looked like toothpicks some like blimps and some looked like real planes.The first day here was great thanks for having this wonderful class.

Andrew & Taylor

day 1: started out the day by compiling info about each other/the group in general. After being acquainted with our partners, we learned a little about E-Mail. After creating our own E-mail addresses, we disscused the Internet and how it works: a server makes part of it's files available, and is accssesed by a browser. Then we sent two people out of the room and formed a message to "E-Mail" them. A group of us formed the "internet," another person was the router. when the whole message was compiled, two people assembled it. When that was finished we browsed the web for a while, filling out worksheets and evaluating sites. ;-)

Adam & Jordan

hi! the packet exercise was fun. we learned a lot about how the computer sends our messages through the internet. it was intresting & fun to be a part in a human computer system! It was great to learn that the only code a computer can read is made up of ones and zeros. We learned something new today about how a computer breaks up a message in order to send it piece by piece to a destination site through different routes and then pieced back together. We learned that the puzzle pieces were sent in random order and not in the original order. We have a better knowledge of how computers work. Thank you.

Christine & Nicole

Today we worked on designing a jet for a low costs. We succseded in making a plane that would fly but it ran out of fuel numerous times. We worked on making a plane long enough that we figured out a way to make a plane at the cost of $281. The volcano prodject did not work.

Justin & Marc

Today we found an interactive science web site called Badweb. At this site you are able to design and test an airplane. The object is to transport as many passengers from San Francisco to New York for the cheapest fare. We liked this site because there are well set goals to reach. We also enjoyed being able to actually partisipate in it.

Jonathan & James

Today was the first day of camp at Shodor Education Foundation Technology Camp was overall fun. We started out with a 15 minute Introduction, to learn the basics, our partners name and what they like. Then we had a hands-on experience with the computers.We sent e-mail to ourselves and got on the Internet, and did really cool stuff. Me and partner favorite web site was BAD-Web Site, where you could design and analyze your own aircraft. We had a great time.

Jonathan & Buel

Computers only under stand 1's and 0's. The way we dimistradid this is that we set up a model of the internet with people. some peaple wrote the messing in words and then numbered it. the set on diffrent rowts and is took diffent time to get there and two people had to tape it in oder and make it make sins fone the other computer and uncoded it.

Wade & Bruce

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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