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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

This week has been a great experience for all of us! We learned so much in one week that it's hard to believe it's over! Today we finished up by asking questions that we had to scientists all over the world! We have learned a lot during our time with Shodor. It's still hard to believe how time flies when your having fun! We are interested in coming back as interns! We will miss all of you and hope to be able to keep in touch!
Thank you Shodor!
We'll miss you all!


Nicole & Christine

Today we made a model of a town that was exposed to the ebola virus. We reasearched the input values andran the model. The model shoed how many people were infected, how many people died, and how many people recovered. We also talked about other varibles not in the model that would have an overall effect on the outcome. It was fun.


Today we looked up a site on the web. It was from a computer here at shodor. Every change we made appeared on everybody elses computers. But somebody kept changing everything.( from another computer). So we had to stop.


Day 5- started out with a review of day 4. Started the chat session wiht a bunch of really cool scientests; GregT, Tealcat, marymc, Stacy. After we finished with them then we finished up the ebola model and worked with a collaberative tool.

Wade & Adam

Today we talked to scientist. We then finished our ebola models. Last we learned about fractal. It was fun.

Jordan & Bruce

Today we used Global chat and talk to different people. They were like cool. But some people had really dumb and stupid names like Jorkel.


This week was cool.

Marc & Jon

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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