Where do I start?
We suggest that you follow through this website in a specific order by clicking the
buttons at the bottom of each page. These buttons guide you first through explanations of
lessons and activities. Then you are led through each subject one by one. You can also reach
buttons for all of these pages at the top of each page. It is organized like so:
- About AFM:
- Info about:
- Explains the purpose of a Shodor Lesson
- Outlines the structure of a Shodor Lesson
- Shows an example of a Shodor Lesson
- Discusses what a Shodor Activity involves
- Explains the What? How? and Why? pages that correspond to each activity
- Shows an example of a Shodor Activity
- Subjects:
Lessons and Activities that:
- allow one to practice estimating quantity, length and area
- make comparison estimate
- improves one's modeling skills
Lessons and Activities that:
- use real-world examples
- have the option to run examples to measure probability experimentally
- are interactive, holding the interests of the students through hands-on
- use modeling to determine probability
Lessons and Activities that:
- allow students to enter ordered pairs, input and graph the functions, set
windows, show grids, and plot data
- relate to real life situations
- helps students "read" points off the grid and readjust the graph
Lessons and Activities that:
- discuss concepts through examples and graphs
- enable students to see the effects of different parameters in sequences and
- allow students to run a simulation, seeing recursion in action
- provide students with the opportunity to create and adjust recursion equations and graphs.