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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Scientific Computing, 2000 during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Learned about atomic structure and did the 
game of life, which simulated actions of 
things related to one another.


Today we looked at a variety of programs and 
into different areas of science.  The chemistry 
part was particularly interesting.  However, 
since there were so many things to do, the 
depth into each program was a little less.


Today we had Bobs come talk to us. i thought 
the chemistry part was interesting because i 
liked the macspartan program.


Today we are looked at differrent aspects of 
science. We met Bob1 which i enjoyed. We made 
a 3-d model molecules of a aspirin. We now have
partners and we are working on projects.


Today was very interesting because I got to 
play with all these different programs that 
scienists nomally use. It was really cooool!


Today we learned we learned about the game of 
life and things such as the chaos theorey 
that is involved with it. We also learned about
chemistry using different computer programs. 
We also got our project assignments, in which I 
am making a computer program with Dayu involving 
the effects of certain things on a moving object, 
such as gravity air resistance, and angle.


i thought today was the best. it was the most 
interesting! I thought the chemistry part was 
the most exciting! I had a lot of fun and i 
really learned a lot about all the work scientist 
have to go through on a day-by-day basis! i 
learned alot about the structure of a atom and 
it sounds like a good work field to think about 
going into!


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