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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Scientific Computing, 2000 during the first day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today was some what boring but we did 
cover an important topic, using certain 
models to model certain info, and 
finding that not all models work for 
that information.


Today we learned a lot today. I think 
the lesson on falling body at the end 
was to fast. Every thing else is ok. I 
hope tommorow is better.


My thoughts on todays activities were 
that I overall did not enjoy it to a 
full extent.  I enjoyed the activities 
though.  I enjoyed when we went outside 
and had our little breaks.  I also liked 
learning how to use a new program.

- Giang

I thought the dice lesson was interesting, 
and the little charts we made with Stella 
were neat. but i thought the spreadsheet
lesson was confusing and long.


I thought that today's activities were 
interesting and well-paced.  I enjoyed 
using Stella and spreadsheets.


i thought today was very interesting. 
At times  the Stella program was a little 
confusing but  basically it was a good 
day. i thought the bunnies and wolves 
game and the part that was did on the
bunnies and wolves on Stella was the best 
part because it was the most interesting 
and fun! We should do a lot more things 
like that!


I have to admit that I learned new things 
today in class but I was under the impression 
that the class would be programming-oriented, 
I was relieved to find out that that is 
what we will be working on all week. Programming 
is my main interest and I would like  to learn 
more about, I am excited about learning more 
about C++.


I thought that today was very interesting but 
also kind of boring. My favorite part about 
today was going on the internet.


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