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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Medicine and the Biosciences during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today we learned about paternity testing, made a model, and did a play about it. Everything was really fun, and I learned a lot about paternity testing.


well today we worked on a paternety case about a lady who was a victim of sexual assault but ended up having a baby and the had to have a court case on who the father was we began working on it and recorded most of it. it was lots of fun and i learned different was that the find out who the father is in sittuations like this


Well, this morning we started with a pretty cool paternity test lesson, I guess you would call it. We then had to work in exceln on a scenario involving a paternity test. Afterwards, we made a play, or movie, whatever you want to call it. We then practiced it and filmed it. I thought that was fun but I'm happy I didn't have to act or anything. I really don't like doing things in front of the camera, the others looked like they enjoyed it though.


i really enjoyed the class today. my favorite part was when we did the play. i think it was a fun and educational experience that also gave people an introduction into acting.


This class is very intersting. Today we learned about Paternity Testing. We had to figure out who the father was, which was between to men. Then we had to recite a play in court, telling who we thought was the father. Tomorrow we will have the jury to come to a conclusion. I really want to know who the father is. Mysterious............................................................. .


today we learned about comparing DNA.The examples that we had was Ana Shorodor,James Crut,and William Ot. After that we had a play in court about the two men being the fathers it was fun to be in this play in front of the camera.


Today at Shodor, I had a great time. We made a mock trial on a sexual assault case. I really enjoy this because I want to be a lawyer and also i am very good2 in acting potential pulls me in. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think today was much better than last times or yesterday because when spent more time on hands on than talking. So on my opinion today was better.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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