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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Medicine and the Biosciences during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


i really liked today, especially the excercise about the flu outbreak in the factory. i think that it should be done again next year, along with this camp. i also think Kent Robertson should be held onto.


today we talked about flu and flu vaccine and we were given a story about a company and they had an issue about flu and people taking time out of work because they get sick. we were to use a graph and decide on the best number of people who should get vaccinated so that they lost the least amount of days. we were to also research about how effective the flu shot was. it was a really interesting project and i really liked it and learned alot about fle vaccines and how effective they are.


Today we learneed how to make a model using the program called STELLA. We were to show how a company could protect the workers from virusses and disease and still have the highest possible profit amount.


Today at Shodor I had a great time. We all had to figure out a way to help the Showen Company sick leave policy. I am going to do an oral report for this on. Very fun!!!!!!!


Today we had fun using STELLA. I like that program. Its cool because it does thwe calculations for you. We used it for a few programs that involved epidemiology. The second one was better than the first one because it had more stuff. It was fun. The infection rate and all that other stuff was really cool.


TODAY I learn that you can relate the money and flu shot to decrease the lost of money.


Today was not that very interesting. But it might get better tomorrow. When I grow up I want to be a Vet. So the classes will help me alot.


Today we learned how to use graphs towards dieases.with different types of things like people getting sick at the job.Should you pay them or not if they don't come. We had to write a report about that.


Today we learned about epidemiology, and how to model it with STELLA. It was really fun doing the modeling, but when I worked in a group modeling sometimes the other group members wouldn't let me express my opinions.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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