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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Medicine and the Biosciences during the first day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


today i learned about DNA and the different ways to learn about it. i really like the fact that we did alot of hands on activities and we had an open discussion. im glad that the teacher gave us an overview of what we would be doing this whole week.


I think that was fun when we went on the computer and did the dna activity and the macthing dna.


Today's class was fun. I liked the DNA models we made. The Excel project was fun and kind of frustrating at the same time. The first sample was kind of chaotic but I got the hang of it after the first try. It was also kind of cold this morning but when we went outside for break time we warmed up. I learned how DNA replicates itself and it was cool. I'm glad I'm taking this class.


I enjoyed today's class. Although I have already learned quite a bit about DNA, heredity, and genetics, todays class went over some of the parts I did not understand. For example, I had no idea what an amino acid did but now I do. I had also learned how to make a model to model DNA in Microsoft Excel.


I liked doing the computer model of electrophoresis especially, but I liked pretty much everything else, I learned about electrophoresis and the history of genetics, and I didn't dislike anything. We talked about the history of genetics, heredity, epidemics, obesity, DNA, proteins, electrophoresis and then did a computer model of it.


i thought it was nice and restful, though i mainly thought that it was all a little less than i expected. i came to this camp hoping to learn more about medicine and bacteria, but today was pretty much a review for me. other than that i enjoyed it.


Today at Shodor, learned alot about medicine in our world today. Cancer, DNA, electrophoresis (I know big word huh!) were just a few thing we reviewed over. I THINK that this will be a great way for me to pursue my career in the medical and law area. What exactly would I want to be when I grow?"-a Cardiovascular Pediatric Surgeon/Lawyer! I can not wait until tomorrow when we 'become' playwrights! I am in my schools drama club so that will be a snap. In eight grade these sessions will be of great use, I hope!

Marquita Johns

I had alot of fun in Medicine and Bioscience. This class was very interesting. Mr.Kent Robertson was a very good teacher. When my mom signed me up I thought it was going to be boring, but I guessed wrong. We learned alot of stuff today. We learned about DNA, and the different parts and connections to DNA. We got to make a DNA strand with paper. We matched A to T, and G to C. On Excel we did a spresdsheet on DNA Electrophoresis. We wrote down the Strands. We also learned alot of terms, such as amino acids, DNZ Replication, cells, enzymes, chemicals etc... This was a fun first time experience.

Bianca Herring

I feel that it was very interesting. What I like best was building an DNA ladder.After that we logged on the computer and wrote down letters that went togther and checked behind eachother because it should have been the same.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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