Candid Student Reports
The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations, Session C during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.
Today we learned about more patterns and proportions. We got to do different
activities that were fun. Joanne still needs a raise and so does Dr. Love.
We really liked the lesson today. We don't have any complaints. Our favorite
part was when we raced with the cars. We got on the computer and raced with
different probability numbers. Garrett bet that he would win when it was four
to two, with him being four. If somebody else won completely, they would get
$500.00! However nobody took the bet.
Nathalie and Emily
Today we learned about probability. I figured out a new way to calculate the
outcome of certain situations. It was something useful that might help me in
the future.
Today I enjoyed working on racing cars to teach us how to do probability. That
helped me with learning probability more.
We learned about fractions, and what are the odds of rolling or flipping
something. It was sort of fun when we play a few games.
Tony and Miles
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