Candid Student Reports
The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations, Session C during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.
I really liked class today. I learned about Sierpinski's triangle and then about iteration.
Today we lerned about iterations and self-similarity. The class was fun today. We didn't get to do any hands-on activities, but it was still fun.
Today we learnd about similarity and iteration, and I will never forget this camp.
Today we learned about Sierpinski's Triangle. We went onto a web site and watched it do all the triangles. Then we had a search. Nobody could find it, so Jon finally took an estimate from a web site that had a map. Allyson taught us about the Mandlbrot Set. It was awesome, around the edges it kept repeating itself. Today was really fun.
Today was fun and exciting.
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