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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Forensic Science, 2000 during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

The mock court case in the morning was fun. I liked debating.


This was a great day. We used the computer a lot today and i enjoyed it.


Today i was not quite as bored yesterday.


We liked doing the mystery in the morning. It was interesting to see the other people's points of view. We also enjoyed doing the Stella exercise in the afternoon. It improved both of our understandings of the program.

-Jeff and Bruce

Today we solved a case and made some models. It was a lot of fun. Happy Fourth of July!!!


I thought today was really fun. We got to do a lot of fun things which got my brain working. At times they were hard, but I finished them knowing more about the certain subjects that we talked about. I like the teachers of the class because they make it lots of fun and I liked when we got to study the Adler Foods Case and me and my partner, David found out the answer to it. I enjoy coming here and hopefully I will be able to become an intern next year, if all goes well. Have fun and stay in the sun! Chow!


Today was fun. I loved doing the investagation on the companies and there legal problems. I liked learming a how to use Stella. It was intesting.


Today was very intresting. Solving cases and investigating crimes was fun


Today was a nice day. But I was kind of mad that my friend didn't come but other than that it was nice.I found out that anastasha the movie wasn't the whole truth. I also like the way people in the class don't mine sharing.we'll my father's here let me go c-ya next time.

-Phillip and Jordan

Today was alright we did a case and had to find out if Monte was guilty or non-guilty. Then we did a model that I remember from the last time I was here. Keep up the good work!!!!


I thought that it was much more boring today. Although i had fun doing the mystery because i enjoy doing that. But the part when we did the graph today i didnt understand it and i was BORED! But otherwise i had a good day and i think that Miss Cornelia was a very good teacher. I really apreciated her today.


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