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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Forensics during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we did a reaal trial. It was really fun. I am really glad I came and since I am coming next week (and the week after next), I can't wait. Thank you for providing these opprotunities to learn about science.


I loved today because of the trial. It was alot of fun, I learned alot and I'll renmember it for a long time.


Today in class we continued getting evudence and had a trial. I really liked the trial, though I would have liked it if I could testify and be a prosecutor.


lot of Fun!


Today was alot of fun!


Today our class participated in a mock-trial. I think this acitivity was worth while and fun! We learned about the judicial process and more importatlly, how to use evidence to figure what happenned at the scene at the crime. This camp was great!


Today we had our trial. It was fun and very interesting. The trial was very funny and exciting. Over all I had great week.


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