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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Forensic Science, 2000 during the first day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

I had a great time today. The day seemed to go by so fast. I know I'm going to enjoy the rest of the week a lot. I can't wait. Talk Later!!


I had fun for the first day. I thought it was the color illions were cool.


We started off the day by participating in an activity that involved detailed observations. A picture was showed to us for roughly 30 seconds and we were instructed to write all of our observations of the picture. We found that many of our observations conflicted with each other. It was fun. Then we stepped into a closet that had red light in it and looked at differently-colored shapes, and we wrote down what color we thought they were. This led to a discussion about perception, which I enjoyed. We would analyze each activity and give an evaluation, but the were so many informative activites that words could describe the experience. Overall, we had fun!!

-Jeff and Bruce

I was not bored. Ihad fun today.I just cant wait until we get farther in the week. Today I met alot of new people and hope to meet more. We'll see ya next time.


I thouht that the workshop was ok. the people were very nice but i was kind of bored. I would like to do more activities related to researching on solving crime cases. Such as having a crime skit or having a real life case with lawyers, judge, jury a plantiff,and a defendent, with just us kids.


Today we learned how to find out the differences about everyone's finger prints. Then we found out which pen was used to write a ransome note. We found out how observant we are by looking at pictures and then telling what we saw. It wasn't as easy as we thought it would be. After that we learned how to tell if a signature was forged. So overall we really enjoyed it alot!!

-Treasure and Tasha

Day one of this workshop was fun and informative. I really like the finger printing program was intresting. As well as the ink separating project.


I liked the workshop at the begginning when we did the closet activity. It was fun. But after lunch, I got tired, bored, and sleepy. Personally, my opinion on how to make this class more fun, we should do more activities related to the law or concering this matter at hand. I think this would help me get a jump start at my future of being a lawyer. This would be helpful and I could stay attentive longer.


The camp is very fun and interesting. The room is very hot. I thiink that this way an educational experiece.


I felt that the finger printing activity was the most fun of the day.


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