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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Forensic Science, 2000 during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

I had fun in the in the morning.


It is possible that Jon and Robbye comitted the crime. Both have evidence that leads to them. I found out that the handwriting of jon matches the handwriting of the notebook and that Millicent is very hesitant to give out here name and information. I really don't think people are being good sports about this case because it was all takin' to the head. I didn't enjoy this too much, but I learned some stuff about teamwork.

-Lauren and David

Today was very intresting in two ways. One I learned and experinced. Not only how to persue a real crime case but how to work together productively.


Today was okay.


Class was really fun today. It was cool going around the office serching for items, and questioning all the staff.


I like working with the group it was nice getting to know people. I'm looking forward to the case tomorrow.


We are working hardon the Case and class is fun and exciting. We learnd how to collect edvidece. That simiply_web changes grades for two hundred dollors. Simply_web works next door in the Aneex building next door.Simply_web meets and night.Simply _web is a good hacker. I think simply_web is Jon Phillip. He is good at the computer.

-Anwar and Bruce

Today in class we investigated a theft of a computer. Evidence: 1. A note pad was found at the crime scene with writing on it. A cromatograph was done of the ink and of all the pens used by staff at the building. The ink matched Jon's pen. 2. A fingerprint, found on a note at the scene of the crime matched Millicent's. 3. On a video, Robbye was seen with Jon near the building. I think that all three, Millicent, Jon, and Robbye, are guilty of different parts of the crime. I had fun investigating the crime. It was really hard!


Today in class I cracked two codes, which gave us no evidence but pointed us in the direction of evidence. I also searched Robbye's desk and found a bank statement with the same account number as a reciept for a withdrawal of 200$, the asking price of simply web. I think that Robbye used Monte's computer to email simply web and cover her tracks. Then she met up with Jonathan, the operator of simply web, and gave him 200$. This was fun, but it should have been clearer from the beginning that I would be an investigator.


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