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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Forensic Science during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was really fun and I can't wait until the end of the week because so far each day has been getting better and better. Today I liked how they did things that were a little unexpected. And I just can't wait until the end of the week because, of what I said before.


In Forensics we had alot of fun with the interrogations in the first half. I thought that was really fun. In the second half we got to do a bungee jump project that I thought was fun. We got to take sides in a possible case. That was fun.


i enjoyed today more than yesterday because of the bungee jumping activity. i think the first activity about observations could be more interesting but it was a good day none the less


i really liked the bungee jump activity. i think it should be in there again, but i also think that you should be allowed to object.


today we did an activitie that was about a lady who went bungee jumping and got hurt we were to dicide if we thought it was her fault or the carnivals fault and then we were to try an convince a jury what our belief was if was a very fun aftivitie and i really think that alot of kids would have fun arguing the points


We strated off the day by examining perception and seeing how well we understand events that happen around us. We started off by looking at pictures and either questioning other on what the picture was or ourselves trying to answer questions.

After the break we were presented with a bungee jumping case that was verfy fun to think about. We split into two groups for different sides of the case and I at least think that it was a wonderful experience to try and argue for our side.


Today was very interesting. In forensic science we figured out the mystery behind bungee jumping. We had a denbate to see whos fault it was when Sally got hurt. It was either her fault or the carnivals fault. Im about to find out in 10 minutes............................................


i think that todays activity of the bungee jump required us for a higher level of thinking. It seems as though these debates never reach a full conclusion but at least everyone is more informed about the topic given.




Today we had an extraordinary class on observation. Then we even got to diliberate a case on bungee jumping!The outcome will be close... I can't wait until the next class!


Today at Shodor, I had a great time. We had to do measurements on bunjee jumping. Also there was also some switching from metric to US!

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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