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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Forensic Science during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


i think that today was interesting in getting ready for our trial tommorow. hopefully we will be able to get passed any obstacles that we have in our way placed by the criminal. this trial should prove to be fun and exciting.


Today was the best day ever because the whole Shodor was involved. We had to go around and interview people about a missing laptop and later found out that someone died and the cases mix together. So far were doing pretty well and I can't wait until tomorrow.


Today in FScience we interviewed alot of people to help us figure out who took Jacobs lap top. We found his lap-top behind Ronnies stuff. Now we are uncoding a meesege, and reviewing evidence. Tomorrow we will solve the case in a trial. I wonder who is guilty....................


Well in Forensics we've started the investigation. Jacob's laptop was stolen and someone was poisoned. Anyways, Sandy cracked the A code in one day. That's a very high accomplishment. The only other person to crack it had lots of hints is what we were told. Oh, yeah, we found the laptop through a series of questionings and investigations. That was fun. Today was a good day.


Today at Shodor, we had a great time. We had a case to figure out. Someone killed another person by poison. We also had to find a labtop. What fun!


i thought today could have been better the interigations were getting old very fast but the other parts of the day were enjoyable


i have the same problem as resterday, so i can't reaally offer an opinion other than that shodor hires excellent and insightful teachers.


today we had a case about a stolen computer and we had to go around and found out information about the crime it was alot of fun an we are going to finish the case tomorrow


I had a great time today.

A laptop was stolen and we had an interesting time trying to find it. One improvement would be having the murder we heard about happen in front of us.


Today we started a case! We first started by talking to the victim. Then we got to interrogate the some predictable suspects. By the end of the day we had found the laptop and were working on a code. Hopefully we will finish it tomorrow!

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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