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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Forensic Science during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


today we continued on our case and we had our trial on who stole the laptop and who poisened garrot. i was on the the state side so we argued our case that catherine was guily of both poisening and stealing the the laptop. it was a really good week and i had lots of fun.


i don't really have an opinion on today other than that i enjoyed it.


Today is the last day of a wonderful class. We had the trial and I was on the defense team. I think we may have won today but I'm not sure. It really doesn't matter though, you lose, you lose. That's life for you. This was a really good class.


Today was the best day so far. We really had to use our brains in finding the person guilty in the laptop case. We also had to have a persocution stand and defense stand. They're about to tell us who won and I can't wait. I hope I can come back next year.


Today is my last day of Shodor. I had so much fun solving the case we were working on. Shodor should definitely keep the case activity. We found out who did it. Catherine killed Garrett and stole Jacobs computer. It was funny how people were lying. Ebonee was the biggestt lier in the case. (lol) This was a wonderful experience. Its making me want to come back. Will see........ Thank you for such a good time Shodor Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today we continued the case! Relievingly we completed it.Then we took the case to court. I was on the prosecuting side. I hope we won!


Today is the edxciting conclusion of the investigation of Jacob's missing laptop. We quickly found sufficient evidence to convict Catherine, an employee here. We were split into two groups, the prosacution and the defense. I was in the defense. At first it looked hopeless, but then we realized that it was possible to convict Ebonee instead. It seemed to have gone well and i expect a verdict in our favor.


Today at Shodor I had a great time. I wish that this were longer AND cheaper! But overall this is a great program.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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