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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Forensic Science during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


today was really fun. i really liked the topic and the way it was presented. i hated the fire drill though. let's not do that again ever.


i thought today was very fun for the things that we did. code breaking seemed to fill most of the day though. i wish we had gone on to either more details in the code breaking or a whole different topic.


Today was about just as good as yesterday so my guess that each day would get better was wrong. Today we did Cryptography and it was pretty fun for having to use your brain. And I still can't wait until Friday.


today we had a lot of fun. i really liked the topic and the way it was presented. the topic was about codes.


i had fun today becaues it was really fast and decodeed a code.


We started the day off with cryptography. We talked about codes and rotating alphabets. We were then shown a program which showed a code that made no sense until the correct letters were guessed. After that we were given Sherlock Holmes "Dancing Men" code to be deciphered.

We then went downstairs for break. After break we came back and were allowed to play mastermind, "decode de code", and were given a copy of a very hard code to dicpher (or so they tell me). I love decoding and would like more logicsl problems like that.


Today we had a cryptology lesson. That was pretty cool. We did one that was on the internet. The other one was a handout. It was about Sherlock Holmes. That was kind of annoying. Oh, and we also had a fire drill. It was really hot outside.


Today we learned how to decipher a code. It is really fun to mess with codes. We even got a really hard code to figure out by Friday! I hope I can do it!


Today in Forenic Science it wasn't that interesting. We had to crack codes the whole time. I like to use my hands more. Exciting things. That's why I want to be a Vet. Their is never a dule moment. Something is always happenning. If you happen to get bored you can always play with the animals!!!!!!!


today we decoded codes and had an intern come in and talk about them and the reasons why people would use them. we got to decode different codes. it was ok but it got kind of fustrating cause it was hard. over all i had alot of fun to day even though we had a firedrill.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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