Arctic Food Chain and Climate Change Agent Model

Agent Model

AgentCubes Model

This model shows polar bears, seals, and fish moving around in the world, which is made up of two shapes: ocean and ice. The polar bears can only move on the ice, the seals can move on both ocean and ice, and the fish can only move on the ocean. Fish hillclimb away from seals and seals hillclimb away from polar bears. When a polar bear touches a seal, the seal erases itself, which represents the bear eating that seal. When a seal touches a fish, the fish erases itself, which likewise represents the seal eating the fish. With some percent chance, the ice will erase itself, simulating how the ice is melting. When a polar bear is completely surrounded by ocean, it will then erase itself. Finally, when one agent is next to another of the same agent, with some percent chance they will create a new agent of the same kind, and that represents reproduction and is also how we make sure our model can run for an extended period of time.

Seal World Agent Model

This picture shows one world that we created in Agent Cubes purely to work on the seals and their behavior. By isolating the seals into a separate world, it was easier to test out the code that we were creating for that agent. We also made a similar world for polar bears.

Small World Agent Model

This picture shows our original world where we first created our ecosystem. The scale is really small, so it exhausted itself really quickly, but it was a good place to start putting everything together.

Large World Agent Model

This picture shows our final world, which has a very large scale. Because of this, it is able to sustain itself for longer and is more realistic.