~ Summer Projects ~
In this project, I used the tool GIMP to learn different photo-editting tools. I learned about the two types of photos, vectors and raster. I also learned how to scale and size pictures, change the file size based on quality, and cropping images to use as web banners through these mini projects.
In this project, we were supposed to follow a tutorial to learn how to create a fully responsive website. It taught me a lot of the skills and gave me a lot of the ideas I used for my final portfolio website.
This project is a collection of collages and pictures that I have manipulated using the tools provided to me by the application GIMP.
This project is full of all the logos I have made using Inkscape. It includes my favicon, logos for my initials, logos for my name, as well as a few abstract logos.
Final Portfolio Planning Project
This project is an outline that explains my plan for my final portfolio website. It includes what my website will look like, what its purpose is and who my target audience is.
Endorphin Release Modeling Project
This website gives basic information on what endorphins are, what activities affect the release of them and how endorphins affect our bodies in return. The website also provides links to both my system and AgentCubes model as well as an explanation of my findings through both.
This leads to a page with 5 links. Four of them are different websites using the different features of the Foundation CSS library. Each website uses completely different features. The last link is a website made from the Bootstrap CSS library.
Krista Project: Dice Statistics Model
This is the first Krista PHP project. You can pick to roll a pair of dice 50, 100, or 150 times. After hitting the submit button, the form will output an array to show the frequency of the dice sums.
This is the second Krista PHP project. It takes the first and last name inputs and outputs the names after switching the first letters of the names.
Krista Project: Background Selector
This is the third Krista PHP project. It changes the backgrund of the page based on what the user selects from the dropdown menu. This form uses cookies to store the color that was chosen by the user. If you reload the page, the background will stay the color that you chose from the dropdown menu.
Krista Project: Random Hex Code
This is the fourth Krista PHP project. This model generates a random hex code every time you reload the page. It then sets this code as the background color of the page.
Krista Project: PHP Rendering Website
This is the last Krista PHP project. This website uses PHP to render the HTML. This is similar to how the Shodor website is rendered.
This project is very similar to the project above. However, hear the HTML is already written and I have embedded the PHP into it.
This is a simple model that flips a coin ten times and outputs the results.
This project builds on the project listed above. It uses a form to ask the user how many times they would like to flip the coin. The results are then outputted.
This is a form linked to a database. Every time the form is submitted, the results are echoed in the webpage as well as stored in a database.
This is another form linked to a database. Every time the form is submitted , the results are echoed in the webpage as well as stored in a database. This form is different from the one above because it does not roll dice, it flips coins.