~ Fall Projects ~
Coin, Dice and Diffusion Excel Models
These four excel sheets show the different things you can do with the use of simple mathematical calculations and excel. We can make the computer randomly choose between two conditions. We also made a diffusion model that represented diffusion using both numbers and colors.
This model uses different constants and variables to show the change in population of Durham over time.
This model uses the equation "HAVE = HAD + CHANGE" to model the graph of population growth.
Rabbits with Competition Model
We made a slider bar for both the rabbits' birth fraction as well as the competition. As you drag the slider, you can see the change in the shape of the graph that is created. This Vensim model creates a visual for what factors go into determining the population of wolves and rabbits in a given environment. This model also uses carrying capacity to make the model more realistic.
This website shows the spread of the bubonic plague using both an AgentCubes model as well as a Vensim model. To make it easier to show in one screen, my partner and I had to adjust the time steps making them differ from the incubation period of the bubonic plague in real life. We found a variety of different results in the population by changing different factors like recovery fraction, death fraction and the spread probability.
We were given a situation where we had to write how we would handle it based on what we had learned in the Office Ethics lesson.
This is a simple SIR model of disease progression in a population. If a healthy person is next to a sick person, there is a percent chance the healthy person changes into a sick person. Healthy people move randomly in the world. Sick people move randomly in the world but slower. A counter counts the number of different people.