Stimulating Understanding of Computational science through Collaboration, Exploration, Experiment, and Discovery for students with Hearing Impairments
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Flu Model

This page has links to help you download the models used in this module.

This lesson uses a Stella model. It requires Stella software language to run. A free save disabled version of Stella is available at:

Both the Stella reader and save disabled versions are free. The disabled version allows your students to create models and modify models like mine. If you find Stella useful you can get an educational site license for a reasonable price. The only difference with the purchased version is that you and your students can save the models you make. 

If you use PCs you can down load the free zipped Stella model. 


You can get the software to unzip them at Download the evaluation version.

If you use Macs you can down load the free compressed Stella model.


You can get free software to decompress the model at

The Java version of this model will work on your Internet browser. After you open the model, bookmark it so you can return to it. 

There are 2 Excel spreadsheets that contain data from several runs of the model. You can use these spreadsheets to help you evaluate your students' answers to the questions in this lesson. The first spreadsheet, "contagious.xls," shows the number of sick people and the days of lost productivity that result from different sick leave policies. The second spreadsheet, "vaccination.xls," shows the cost benefit for different percentages of people vaccinated.



Developed by
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.

Copyright © 1999-2001 by The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.

This project is supported, in part,
by the

National Science Foundation

Opinions expressed are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation.

Last Update: Saturday, 16-Feb-2002 13:29:11 EST
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