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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Saturday Explorations Club during the second session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was really fun because we did a lot with
 probability.  We made spread sheets, and did a 
cool activity with a fire or a flu spreading.  I 
thought the activity on the net was really cool 
and I can't wait until week after next.


Today we learned about probability. We played 
this cool game about a flu and the chances.


Today we worked and talked about "Probability." 
We began class by reviewing what we did last 
week. Then, we talked more about the way a dice 
works, and how much probability the number 
would appear on the top of the dice. Then, we 
explored the same subject on the computer.  The 
computer rolled the dice 600 times so we could 
get an idea of how much each number comes up. 
After that, we explored more on the computer 
about things spreading, (such as a forest fire).
It was a great day in class!

Christie and Jess

Today we used a little probibility with dice and 
talked about jumping to conclusions. We also 
used Microsoft Excel to use dice and stuff like 
that.We also took a break and got some soda 
and cookies. Thats beside the point.


Today we learned more about probability.  We also 
learned about how different diseases spread and 
other things like fires or floods. I liked all the 
experiments we did today especially the one 
with how quickly things can spread.

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