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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Saturday Explorations Club during the third session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was pretty cool because we got to do a 
bunch of cool experiments on the net.  We did 
Koch's snowflake, snowflakes, and, Sirpinskis 
gasket. We continued to learn about randomness 
and today we learned about chaos. I am starting 
to notice the different ways in which ways 
randomness occurs.  This is starting to get 
really interesting


Today we explored chaos,randomness, and 
fractals. At the beginning of class we played
a game, which we later did on the computer. 
We found using the computer was a lot faster
and easer. Some of the "sites" we visited on 
the computer Koch's Snowflake, Sierpinski's 
gasket, and chaos game. We learned more about 
symetry and how a teeny, tiny mistake can 
change the end result and make it completly 
unperdictable.  Another great day in class!


Today we reviewed randomness by drawing a 
triangle and have a starting point anywhere 
on the paper. On each of the vertices we put 
2 numbers on each vertex.(1-6) then we rolled 
the dice and from our starting point and drew 
a line half way from that point to the vertex. 
I found it much easyer to do it on the computer.
We explored different web sites and looked 
more into it with different shapes. I had a good 
time today and I enjoyed all the different things 
we did. 


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