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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Saturday Explorations Club during the second session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we worked with optics.  First we talked about the word camera.  Bob1
explained to us what camera meant and what it was used for in Italian.
Next we went outside and looked through a camera Bob1 had made.  We
learned about how light bends when it hits glass. We later came inside and
went to an website stationed in Italy, where we learned about how optical
work benches are used and used a computer model that showed us where the
light would be after it hit a certain amount of peices of glass.  I
enjoyed the class today and can't wait until the next class.


Today we learned about optics. We did an optical workbench
simulator and used a telescope and microscope. It was a lot of fun and I
learned a lot. I wouldn't change anything except for getting to experiment
about what paper burns best. It would have been fun to try to burn it. I
liked looking at the home-made camera. It would have been neat to try to
actuallly use it as a image-storing one, even though a lot of people have
spilled the chemicals in the past.

Today was very fun and exciting.I have learned alot of stuff
about opticals,lenses and such. this would be good for any other classes
that you teach. I think they would enjoy these lesson's to.


I think today was very fun,I learned about how to make a camera
out of a pringles(WHICH MAY I ADD WAS VERY GOOD!!!!!) canister and we went
to a optical bench and played around with it for a while. We looked
through a telescope and tried to burn a peice of paper using a telescope
and we also looked through a microscope and heard a story about a student
who cheated on a test.We learned using a camera (OUT OF A PRINGLES
CANISTER) with only one peice we could see the picture upside down, but if
we add one more peice we could see it right side up. Today was very


Last Update: November 25, 1998
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