Candid Student Reports
The following reports were written by members of Modeling Your World, Session B during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.
Honestly this class was pretty interesting and I hope to come again in the far future.
I had a great time today. In fact, I had a great time all week! I loved using engineering to find out how to predict a projectile's landing point using data. I will be WAY ahead in my geometry class after the summer!
Today we did engineering we used a Hot Wheels® track. The track was the road that Evil Kaneevil might have used in jumping giant stairs. This was fun.
Today we figured out how and where we set our sponges. Ours worked once out of two trails.The Evil Kaneevil thing was fun. I will always like this camp.
Erin, Tony, Tim
I thought it was cool.
I enjoyed it here and plan to come back. I liked it all. I learned a lot.
Today, we did the rest of our project, the final part of it. It was more than fun. But we had a few errors on the way. Well...This is my final report. Goodbye Shodor and have a GOOD SUMMER!
Today was very exciting. We didn't learn as much as we usually do, although we did have a lot of fun. As always, Garrett taught us big words and I wrote them down. Like yesterday, we tested out the cars to see if K'nevil would live. This time, we put sponges down to reassure that he would live.It was a good week overall and we learned a lot about science and math. The teachers were nice and they help us when we needed it. Also the interns helped a lot, and should get a lot of recognition. Most helpful was Wledeh and Ebonee, I feel they both deserve a raise.
Dominque and Jordan
I really liked this week. I am definitely coming back. I especially liked the engineering. Also Wledeh was a really good intern. Also Jenna and Albert.
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