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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


I love this program and this is the best . Science and math is so much fun.


IT was fun looking though different number bases. It was really confusing at first but after a while i started understandung it and it became cool. I also like decifering the messagesm and learning how poeple protectm things they do on the computer. It was also funb working with the codes and seeing how my name would be to the computer, it would be 64 numbers!!


Today i was taught by Bobby. She taught me about codes for computers. She also made us look up a person who did something with computers. My person was very intresting and today was.


Today we used codes to do things like letters were wrong and we unscambled them. basically that's allwe did today it was fun to me.


I learend something new today and it was very excitng. It was bases and absoulte values. And how to decode things like your nane and sentences. Today was a great day


Today we learn how computers are connected to math. Also we did reports on famous people in math


At the begining of this afternoon we researched mathmations, and reviewed base systems. My group researched Alan Turing. He invented the turing machine. When we came back from break, we wrote our name in code. Then we tried to break codes on "the code breaker". It took us longer to break the random alphabet code than the rotated alphabet.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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