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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


This week was really fun becuase we learned math in many different fun ways. Especially today. In my math class when we learned probability it waasa the boringest thing i had done but today not only did i learn it i had fun with it. I also enjoyed making a Twix commercial with robert especially wssince my anme was abadabadingdong. I really liked this camp and want to return another time!!!!!


it was fun going around to people asking there favorite color.


Today we talked about bargraphs then we went around and got everybody's opinoin. Then we sort of gave a presentation this week was very fun for me also interresting


Today we made a commercial about the propability for a survery. Also this past week we learned alot about math and it was very fun.


This program was easier than i thought it would be. Therefore, i did not learn very much. But i liked this program. I did well in it.


I enjoyed everything i did this week. This workshop made me happy. This week everything I did was very exciting. This week really made me realize how fun science is. I'am really glad I was able to have such an experience.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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